Publication Ethics

The Journal of Development and Integration (hereinafter referred to as “the Journal”) is a peer-reviewed journal, published six issues per year. It is available in print and online version. The Journal is committed to ethical publication in accordance with the guidelines and standards of The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), adhering to the principles of COPE's Core Practices, Best Practices Guidelines for Journal Editors and Guidelines on Good Publication Practices, including:

• Review of manuscripts

• Research violations: Plagiarism, Submitting manuscripts to multiple journals and splitting content, Manipulating citations, Fabricating and editing data

• Copyrights and acknowledgments

• Conflict of interest

• Handling allegations of misconduct, integrity and ethics violations in research

• Investigate

• Editing and withdrawing manuscripts

Manuscripts of articles are only accepted when the responsible author commits to the following: The contents of the manuscript have not been published in whole or in part in other journals; All authors contributed significantly to the research or preparation of the manuscript and are jointly responsible for the contents of the manuscript; Comply with measures to ensure research ethics.