How to review
  • After receiving the Journal's review invitation by email, the reviewer needs to respond within a specified period of time whether to participate or not; Only agree to review articles in your field of expertise.
  • Reviewers are not allowed to contact authors directly without the permission of the Editor-in-Chief; Reviewers should decline if participating in that peer-reviewed research.
  • It is not allowed to use information and results that are in the peer review process for personal benefits; Manuscripts may not be shared with any colleagues without the permission of the Editor-in-Chief.
  • The process of reviewing research needs to ensure fairness and objectivity. Reviewers should read the article seriously and send feedback to the Editorial Board with requests that the manuscript needs editing, supplementing, or further improving before it is accepted for publication. If the manuscript is rejected, it is also necessary to respond to the reason for rejection.
  • Comments must be returned within the time specified by the Editorial Board. If reviewers want to extend the time, you must promptly notify the Editor-in-Chief.